Titles and First Lines (P-Z)
- 3044. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
- 1069. Pat-a-Pan
- 5082. Peace, peace, wonderful peace
- 5013. Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand
- 6000. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
- 6031. Praise Him! Praise Him!
- 6024. Praise Him, All Ye Little Children
- 6024. Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children
- 6004. Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
- 6028. Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah
- 6006. Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him
- 6005. Praise To the Lord, the Almighty — Lobe Den Herren
- 6001. Praise ye the Father for His lovingkindness
- 6005. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty — Lobe Den Herren
- 6005. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty — To instead of Ye — Lobe Den Herren
- 6005. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty — Updated Words — Lobe Den Herren
- 6001. Praise Ye the Triune God
- 6003. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven — Lauda Anima (Goss)
- 6007. Praise, O Praise our God and King
- 4021. Prayer will change the night to day
- 7012. Precious Memories
- 5097. Precious name, oh how sweet!
- 3006. Pressing On
- 3053. Prince of Peace, Control My Will
- 4003. Psalm 119 Aleph and Beth
- 4004. Psalm 119 NUN
- 6100. Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It
- 4039. Reformation Hymn
- 2064. Rejoice and Be Glad
- 042. Rejoice the Lord is King
- 6030. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
- 4033. Renew Your Church
- 3003. Rescue the Perishing
- 6014. Revive Us Again
- 1066. Ring, Christmas Bells
- 1016. Ring, Little Bells
- 4038. Rise Up, O Men of God!
- 1047. Rise up, Shepherd, and Follow
- 5002. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
- 010. Round the Lord in Glory Seated — Deerhurst
- 011. Round the Lord in Glory Seated — Sanctus
- 4104. Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner
- 5070. Safe in the Arms of Jesus
- 6067. Satisfied
- 036. Satisfied with Jesus
- 4112. Saved by Grace
- 2042. Saved by the Blood
- 6102. Saved, Saved
- 5026. Savior, lead me, lest I stray
- 5031. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- 5056. Savior, More than Life to Me
- 3044. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry
- 3058. Savior, While My Heart is Tender — Arundel
- 3059. Savior, While My Heart is Tender — Shipston
- 3060. Search Me, O God
- 1008. See Amid the Winter's Snow
- 1026. See in Yonder Manger Low
- 2005. See the Christ
- 3009. Send the Light
- 053. Sevenfold Amen
- 4142. Shall We Gather at the River?
- 4082. Sheep From Goats
- 7004. Should auld acquiantance be forgot
- 5046. Showers of Blessing
- 1029. Silent Night
- 1029. Silent Night, Holy Night
- 1029. Silent Night, Holy Night — Alternate harmony
- 1029. Silent Night, Holy Night — Alternate third stanza
- 1029. Silent Night, Holy Night — Shape Notes
- 3064. Silently now I wait for Thee
- 4075. Simply trusting every day
- 4075. Simply trusting every day — in 6/4
- 6101. Since I Have Been Redeemed
- 6069. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
- 6002. Sing Alleluia to our God
- 6025. Sing hosanna, Sing hosanna
- 3016. Sing it o'er and o'er again
- 6026. Sing Praise to God
- 6027. Sing Praises to the Lord
- 4143. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
- 4010. Sing them over again to me
- 4010. Sing them over again to me — G major
- 1056. Sing We Noel
- 1056. Sing We Noel — alternate lyrics
- 1056. Sing We Now of Christmas
- 6037. Singing I Go
- 3016. Sinners Jesus will receive
- 5063. Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
- 6011. Slumb’ring souls, awake and sing
- 6011. Slumb’ring souls, awake and sing — choral demo
- 5101. Soft as the voice of an angel
- 3027. Softly and Tenderly
- 4100. Soldiers of Christ, Arise
- 4112. Some day the silver cord will break
- 5039. Some through the waters
- 5039. Some through the waters — three stanzas
- 2064. Sound His praises! Tell the story
- 4104. Sound the Battle Cry
- 3017. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
- 4015. Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
- 4017. Spirit, now melt and move — Tabernacle
- 6015. Stand Up and Bless the Lord
- 4099. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus — Geibel
- 4098. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus — Webb
- 4046. Standing by a purpose true
- 4011. Standing on the Promises
- 1050. Star in the East
- 4067. Stepping in the Light
- 1017. Still, Still, Still
- 2020. Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
- 5066. Sun of My Soul
- 4020. Sweet Hour of Prayer
- 4066. Sweet Mornings With Jesus
- 5029. Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling
- 5029. Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling — Four stanzas
- 3063. Take my life, and let it be — Consecration Hymn
- 3062. Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated — Hendon
- 5097. Take the Name of Jesus with You
- 3065. Take the world, but give me Jesus — GIVE ME JESUS
- 4086. Take Time to Be Holy — Holiness
- 7006. Taps
- 4069. Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord
- 4022. Teach Me to Pray, Lord
- 5090. Tell It to Jesus
- 2004. Tell Me the Old, Old Story
- 2003. Tell Me the Story of Jesus — STORY OF JESUS
- 3028. Tenderly Calling
- 6104. Thank You, Lord — Thank You Lord
- 6111. Thanksgiving Carol
- 2001. That Beautiful Name
- 4008. The B-I-B-L-E
- 4097. The Banner of the Cross
- 7009. The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- 6064. The Beauty of Jesus
- 4005. The Bible Stands
- 1032. The Birthday of a King
- 6087. The blood of the Lamb — WINSETT
- 4027. The Church's One Foundation
- 4024. The Church's Prayer
- 2039. The Cleansing Wave
- 4018. The Comforter Has Come
- 4025. The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
- 6096. The Father Looks on Me
- 4095. The Fight Is On
- 1057. The First Noel
- 002. The Gloria Patri — Smart
- 6099. The Great Redeemer
- 5011. The Haven of Rest
- 6017. The heavens declare it, the sky displays
- 1012. The Holly and the Ivy
- 4110. The Holy City
- 1046. The Infant Jesus
- 5034. The King of Love My Shepherd Is — Dominus Regit Me
- 5035. The King of Love My Shepherd Is — Shelley
- 5036. The King of Love My Shepherd Is — St. Columba
- 4134. The King Shall Come
- 4002. The Law of the Lord Is Perfect
- 3026. The Light of the World Is Jesus
- 5075. The Lily of the Valley
- 2034. The lonely night, the agony
- 4043. The Lord Bless You and Keep You
- 047. The Lord in Zion Reigneth
- 052. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
- 5033. The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want
- 5004. The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide
- 5106. The Love of God
- 5013. The Nail-Scarred Hand
- 5021. The Navy Hymn
- 5021. The Navy Hymn — alternate words
- 4111. The New Song
- 3029. The Ninety and Nine
- 6054. The Old Account Was Settled
- 6068. The Old Fashioned Way
- 2026. The Old Rugged Cross
- 2012. The Palms
- 3001. The Regions Beyond
- 4128. The Sands of Time are Sinking
- 6051. The Savior has come in His mighty power
- 4051. The service of Jesus true pleasure affords
- 5003. The Solid Rock
- 7005. The Star-Spangled Banner
- 2062. The Strife is O'er
- 5058. The Sweetness of Your Presence
- 6037. The trusting heart to Jesus clings
- 7002. The Twelve Days of Christmas
- 2045. The Unveiled Christ
- 4114. The Way of the Cross Leads Home
- 1064. The Wexford Carol
- 3026. The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin
- 1037. The Wondrous Story
- 4009. The Word of the Lord
- 6079. There have been names that I have loved to hear
- 2035. There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
- 4141. There Is a Happy Land
- 6077. There is a name I love to hear
- 6077. There is a name I love to hear — Three Stanzas
- 5054. There is a place of quiet rest
- 5054. There is a place of quiet rest — in D
- 6044. There is a song in my heart today
- 5081. There is never a day so dreary — New Orleans
- 2038. There is Power in the Blood
- 6086. There is vict’ry within my soul — LILLENAS
- 5046. There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
- 6054. There was a time on earth
- 3029. There were ninety and nine
- 4138. There's a beautiful place called Heaven
- 4140. There's a land that is fairer than day
- 4140. There's a land that is fairer than day — alternate rhythms
- 6072. There's a new name written down in glory
- 6072. There's a new name written down in glory — alternate chording
- 5086. There's a peace in my heart
- 4097. There's a royal banner given for display
- 1044. There's a Song in the Air
- 6097. There's a sweet and blessed story
- 6097. There's a sweet and blessed story — Alto Audio
- 6097. There's a sweet and blessed story — Bass Audio
- 6097. There's a sweet and blessed story — Soprano Audio
- 6097. There's a sweet and blessed story — Tenor Audio
- 5112. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
- 3036. There's a wondrous fountain
- 3036. There's a wondrous fountain — B flat major
- 5093. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
- 6087. There's victory in my soul — WINSETT
- 6080. There's within my heart a melody
- 6068. They call me old-fashioned
- 2018. They Led Him Away
- 005. Thine Be the Glory
- 5044. This is My Father's World
- 3012. This Little Light of Mine — Loes
- 3011. This Little Light of Mine — spiritual
- 4113. This World Is Not My Home
- 1007. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
- 5062. Thou my everlasting portion
- 5062. Thou my everlasting portion — alternate harmonies
- 029. Thou True Vine That Heals the Nations
- 5009. Tho’ the angry surges roll
- 3004. Throw Out the Lifeline
- 4036. Tis a glorious church without spot or wrinkle
- 6051. Tis Marvelous and Wonderful
- 2016. Tis Midnight, and on Olive's Brow
- 5098. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
- 3040. Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung
- 3040. Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung — No echo
- 6016. To God Be the Glory
- 4059. To Live or Die
- 6017. To the Glory of God
- 3001. To the regions beyond
- 1010. To us a child of royal birth
- 4071. Trust and Obey
- 4075. Trusting Jesus
- 4067. Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior
- 3028. Turn thee, O lost one
- 3034. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus
- 1058. Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
- 5019. Under His Wings
- 2028. Up Calv'ry's mountain, one dreadful morn
- 2028. Up Calv'ry's mountain, one dreadful morn — shape notes
- 2057. Up from the grave He arose
- 6071. Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You
- 6086. Victory in My Soul — LILLENAS
- 6087. Victory in My Soul — WINSETT
- 043. Victory Through Grace
- 5087. Walking in sunlight all of my journey
- 4093. We are Christ's Ambassadors
- 4103. We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder
- 4017. We are gathered for Thy blessing — Tabernacle
- 6008. We Bless Your Name
- 6018. We cry, Glory! Honor!
- 6107. We Gather Together
- 5008. We Have an Anchor
- 3014. We have heard the joyful sound — JESUS SAVES
- 035. We have looked in faith to Christ
- 6108. We Plow the Fields and Scatter
- 5014. We Rest on Thee
- 4131. We shall rise!
- 1051. We Three Kings
- 4065. We Will Follow
- 4039. We will trust God's Word alone
- 7003. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- 4093. We young people march on for Jesus
- 4081. We'll Work till Jesus Comes
- 4117. We're Marching to Zion — MARCHING TO ZION
- 3008. We've a Story to Tell to the Nations
- 2027. Were You There
- 5012. What a fellowship, what a joy divine
- 5012. What a fellowship, what a joy divine — no echo
- 5092. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- 6069. What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought
- 6069. What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought — in A Flat
- 6074. What a wondrous message in God's Word
- 2037. What can wash away my sin?
- 2037. What can wash away my sin? — G major
- 1059. What Child is This
- 5041. What God Ordains Is Always Good
- 4129. What If It Were Today?
- 2010. What means this eager, anxious throng
- 3042. What the World Needs Is Jesus
- 2053. What Wondrous Love Is This
- 4123. When all my labors and trials are o'er
- 1046. When blossoms flowered 'mid the snows
- 4136. When He Cometh
- 4126. When I Can Read My Title Clear
- 5043. When I fear my faith will fail — by Robert Harkness
- 2040. When I Saw the Cleansing Fountain
- 2040. When I Saw the Cleansing Fountain — Alternate harmonies
- 2036. When I See the Blood
- 2024. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross — Hamburg
- 2025. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross — O Waly Waly
- 4135. When Jesus comes to reward His servants
- 6022. When Morning Gilds the Skies
- 4144. When my life work is ended
- 4144. When my life work is ended — Updated version
- 5080. When peace like a river
- 5080. When peace like a river — C major
- 4139. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
- 4122. When the Saints Go Marching In
- 4139. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound
- 4145. When This Passing World is Done
- 6103. When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed
- 6103. When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed — no stanza echos
- 4143. When We All Get to Heaven
- 4071. When we walk with the Lord
- 4071. When we walk with the Lord — different time notation
- 7011. When You and I Were Young, Maggie
- 4040. When you count the ones who love the Lord
- 4082. When, with His angels
- 5038. Where He Leads Me
- 1039. While by the sheep we watched at night
- 1039. While by the sheep we watched at night — alternate harmony
- 6059. While I Have Being
- 1048. While shepherds kept their watching
- 1048. While shepherds kept their watching — F major
- 1033. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
- 5101. Whispering Hope
- 3071. Whiter than Snow
- 3072. Whiter than the snow
- 2000. Who is He in Yonder Stall
- 020. Who Is Like Our God?
- 4096. Who Is on the Lord's Side
- 3025. Whosoever Will
- 5084. Why Drown in Hopelessness?
- 6085. Why Should He Love Me So?
- 5077. Why should I feel discouraged?
- 5111. Wide, Wide as the Ocean
- 4135. Will Jesus Find Us Watching
- 5008. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life
- 1069. Willie, get your little drum
- 013. With Reverence Let the Saints Appear
- 6084. Wonderful Grace of Jesus
- 5082. Wonderful Peace
- 4010. Wonderful Words of Life
- 6082. Wonderful, Jesus Is to Me
- 6083. Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus — Bethel
- 5081. Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus — New Orleans
- 4080. Work, for the Night Is Coming
- 2038. Would you be free from the burden of sin?
- 2038. Would you be free from the burden of sin? — alternate harmonies
- 3035. Would you live for Jesus
- 2021. Wounded for Me
- 007. Ye Servants of God
- 6066. Years I spent in vanity and pride
- 6066. Years I spent in vanity and pride — Shape Notes
- 4073. Yield Not to Temptation
- 5102. You Are Always Good
- 025. You Are Faithful
- 2006. You Are the Christ
- 021. You Are Worthy
- 3052. You have longed for sweet peace
- 028. You have searched me, Lord
- 035. Your Beauty Fills Our Eyes
- 4004. Your Word, a Light Unto My Path