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Lyrics and Information

Count Me

Words by William C. Poole, 1916
Tune: COUNT ME by Haldor Lillenas, 1916
Key signature: D flat major (5 flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Public Domain
Chords are available in the PDF and in small-print modes.
1. When you count the ones who love the Lord, Count me, count me; When you count up those who trust His Word, Count me, count me.
Refrain: Count me with the children of the heav’nly King; Count me with the servants who would service bring; Count me with the ransomed who His praises sing; Count me, count me.
2. When you count up those who’re saved by grace, Count me, count me; Who have found in Christ a hiding place, Count me, count me.
3. When you count up those who do the right, Count me, count me; Who are walking in the Gospel light, Count me, count me.
4. When you count up those who forward press, Count me, count me; Who shall gain the crown of righteousness, Count me, count me.