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Our Triune God

Words by Joe Henson, III
Tune: Matt Taylor
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Time signature: 4/4
4-part hymn arrangement by James Koerts. © 2016 by The Wilds. All rights reserved. This hymn may be freely reproduced and distributed but NOT sold for profit.
1. Great God and Father of our Lord, our Maker and our King, we praise You for Your glorious grace that grants us ev’rything. Before You ever frame the world, You chose us as Your own and made us heirs with Christ Your Son by sov’reign grace alone.
Refrain: Sing “Alleluia” to our God and praise His saving Son! Give honor to the Holy Ghost! Adore the Three in One!
2. Beloved, bleeding Son of God, our saving sacrifice, we praise You for Your priceless blood that purchased Paradise. In You we are redeemed by God from sin’s accursed disgrace; now, as His children, we’ve received a legacy of grace.
3. Securing Spirit giv’n by God to those who trust the Son, we praise You for Your guarantee that Calv’ry’s work is done. You shelter and secure our souls until we stand complete before the glorious throne of God where faith and right will meet.