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In God's Thoughts

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing. Adapted from Scripture: Psalm 139.
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
© Copyright 2020 Lisa Rushing
Chords are available in small-print versions and in the PDF.
You have searched me, Lord. You know my every part. Long before I speak, You know what’s in my heart. When I sit or when I rise, O Lord, You see, And You know the deepest thought inside of me.
How could I escape the reaches of Your care, For wherever I may go, I know You’re there. Even in the darkest night Your light shines through, For the darkness is as bright as day to You.
O Lord, such knowledge is too great for me; It is too high for me to understand: that I in God Almighty’s thoughts should be, Held in His eternal hand.
I was known by You when I was yet unborn, When within the secret places I was formed. And You numbered all the days You planned for me When not even one had come to be.
O how precious are Your thoughts toward me, O Lord, More in number than the sands upon the shore. O Lord, such knowledge is too great for me; It is too high for me to understand. That I in God Almighty’s thoughts should be, Held in His eternal hand. That I in God Almighty's thoughts should be, Held in His eternal hand.