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Audio Speed

Lyrics and Information

Pressing On

Words by Matthew Walker
Music by Caleb French
Key signature: G major (1 sharp)
Time signature: 4/4
© 2011
1. Called of God the Christ to follow, Though unworthy, saved by grace, Bearing forth in earthen vessels gospel truth to ev’ry race. Sweet commission of the Master, Sacred truth we have to give; “Ev’ry wounded soul that trembles Needs to only look to live.”
2. Tell them of His blood atoning, Tell them of His painful death. Tell of thorns, the nails, His crying, Tell them of His final breath. Then you tell them of that morning When the grave could not contain His triumphant body rising, Herald now His glorious reign!
3. “Preach the Word,” my faithful brother, Patiently rebuke, reprove, Look not back from Him to other, Keep your eyes on Calv’ry’s love. Though it seems you wander lonely you will never walk alone; God’s eternal Spirit whispers Now “press on,” and then “well done.”