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You Are Worthy

Words and music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
© 2019 Lisa Rushing
Chords are available in small-print modes.
Great King Immortal, Heav'n and earth can't hold your glory. Timeless, eternal, You are God of all that was or shall be. Changeless and faithful, Constant through the years of history You are worthy of our praise. You are Almighty, Maker, Keeper, Sov’reign Ruler, Upholding rightly All things by Your Word of power. Wondrous in beauty, You abide in glorious splendor. You are worthy of our praise. You are worthy, Lord, You are worthy, Everlasting Father, the Ancient of Days. You are worthy, Lord, You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise. Lord, You are righteous, Judging all with truth and wisdom. Holy and blameless, You alone are true perfection. Yet, You are gracious, Purchasing the sinner's pardon. You are worthy of our praise. Loving Redeemer, In our place on Calv'ry bleeding, Conquering Savior, Rising up with pow'r exceed ing, High priest forever, Now before the Father pleading You are worthy of our praise. You are worthy, Lord, You are worthy, You're the Lamb of Calv'ry with power to save, You are worthy, Lord, You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise. You are worthy, Lord, You are worthy Of all glory and honor and praise.