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Lyrics and Information

Victory in My Soul

Words and music by R. E. Winsett
Key signature: E flat major (3 flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. The blood of the Lamb covers every sin, And His will doth now control, My life is filled with His pow’r divine, There’s victory in my soul.
Refrain: There’s victory in my soul, There’s victory in my soul, The conquering pow’r o’er the life of sin Gives victory in my soul.
2. By faith in His name, I shall overcome sin, And His glories I’ll behold, ’Gainst ev’ry foe I’ll the conflict win, There’s victory in my soul.
3. By power of life in our conquering King, I His face shall soon behold, And with Him dwell and His glory sing, There’s victory in my soul.
4. O joy and sweet peace from our Father above, When His pow’r doth take control, When Spirit fills soul and heart with love, There’s victory in my soul.