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Lyrics and Information

Old-Time Power

Words by Paul Rader (1879-1938), 1917
Tune: TABERNACLE by Paul Rader (1879-1938), 1917
Key signature: B flat major (2 flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. We are gathered for Thy blessing, We will wait upon our God; We will trust in Him Who loved us, And Who bought us with His blood.
Refrain: Spirit, now melt and move All of our hearts with love, Breathe on us from above With old-time pow’r.
2. We will glory in Thy power, We will sing of wondrous grace; In our midst, as Thou has promised, Come, oh, come, and take Thy place.
3. Bring us low in prayer before Thee, And with faith our souls inspire, Till we claim, by faith, the promise Of the Holy Ghost and fire.