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Ring, Christmas Bells

Words by Mykola Leontovich (1877-1921)
Tune UKRANIAN CAROL by Mykola Leontovich (1877-1921). Tune used with diffferent words under the name "Carol of the Bells" with the lyrics "Hark, how the bells"
Key signature: E minor (1 sharp)
Time signature: 3/4
Public Domain
Ring, Christmas bells, Merrily ring, Tell all the world Jesus is King! Loudly proclaim With one accord, The happy tale, Welcome the Lord! Ring, Christmas bells, Sound far and near, The birth day of Jesus is here. Herald the news To old and young, Tell it to all In ev’ry tongue. Ring, Christmas bells, Toll loud and long, Your message sweet Peel and prolong. Come, all ye people, Join in the singing, Repeat the story Told by the ringing. Ring! Christmas bells, Ring, Christmas bells. Loudly proclaim With one accord, The happy tale, Welcome the Lord! Ring, Christmas bells, bells, Ring! Christmas bells. Ring! Ring! Ring! Jesus is King! Ring! Ring! Ring! Jesus is King!