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The Old Account Was Settled

Words and music by Frank M. Graham (1859-1931)
Key signature: A flat major (4 flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. There was a time on earth, When in the book of heav’n An old account was standing For sins yet unforgiv’n; My name was at the top, And many things below, I went unto the keeper, And settled long ago.
Refrain: Long ago, long ago, Yes, the old account was settled long ago; And the record’s clear today, for He washed my sins away, When the old account was settled long ago.
2. The old account was large, And growing ev’ry day, For I was always sinning, And never tried to pay; But when I looked ahead, And saw such pain and woe, I said that I would settle, I settled long ago.
3. When at the judgment bar, I stand before my King, And He the book will open, He cannot find a thing; Then will my heart be glad, While tears of joy will flow Because I had it settled, And settled long ago.
4. When in that happy home, My Savior’s home above, I’ll sing redemption’s story, And praise Him for His love; I’ll not forget that book, With pages white as snow, Because I came and settled, And settled long ago.
5. O sinner, trust the Lord, Repent of all your sin, For thus He hath commanded If you would enter in; And then if you should live A hundred years below, Up there you’ll not regret it, You settled long ago.