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Praise, O Praise our God and King

Words by John Milton (1608-1674), adapted by Henry Williams Baker 1821-1877
Tune: MONKLAND by John Antes, 1790, arranged by John B. Wilkes, 1861
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Public Domain
1. Praise,  O praise our God and King; hymns of adoration sing: For His mercies still endure ever faithful, ever sure.
2. Praise Him that He made the sun day by day His course to run: And the silver moon by night, shining with Her gentle light:
3. Praise Him that He gave the rain to mature the swelling grain: And hath bid the fruitful field crops of precious increase yield:
4. Praise Him for our harvest store; He hath filled the garnerfloor: And for richer food than this, pledge of everlasting bliss:
5. Glory to our bounteous King; glory let creation sing: Glory to the Father, Son, and blest Spirit, Three in One.