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You Are the Christ

Words by Andy Gleiser
Tune by Reba Snyder
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
© 2013 Determined Hymns. All rights reserved.
1. In the beginning, in the form of God, With just a word You sang creation’s song, But when by sin humanity was marred, You took on flesh to save a world gone wrong.
Refrain: You are the Christ, Son of the living God, My rebel heart in mercy You pursued. No other name deserves my praise. You are my life, my all, and I belong to You!
2. At Calvary, the soldiers chose the nails To fasten You upon the cruel tree. The hammer drove into You sinless hands The nails You chose to pay sin’s penalty.
3. Triumphantly prevailing over hell, You broke sin’s curse, by rising from the dead. Parading captives forth in victory, You freed my soul and crushed the serpent’s head.
4. And when one day redemption is complete, I gaze at last upon Your face unveiled, My voice shall echo through eternity, “In spite of me, Your saving grace prevailed!”