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While I Have Being

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Meter: Irregular
Passage: Psalm 40, Revelation 5
Time signature: 6/8
© Copyright 2022 by Lisa Rushing
1. Lord, You heard my cry for mercy as I sank in sin's miry clay. From its hold Your grace delivered me and You washed my guilt away. On the solid rock You placed me, set my feet on the Living Stone, And within a song You gave me, A new song for You alone.
Refrain: So while I have being I'll sing Your praise, And rejoice. my Savior, in all Your ways. To You belong both my life and song, So I'll live for You and I will worship You my whole life long.
2. In my times of loss or trouble, when the trials of life arise, I will sing of Your great faithfulness, for You're always good and wise. When I fail, I'll tell of mercy; in success I'll exalt Your name; And give thanks in need or blessing For Your love remains the same.
3. I will give You praise and glory till this life's final breath I take, Then as death gives way to endless life, in Your presence I shall wake. I'll behold Your radiant glory, then I'll join with the bloodwashed throng To proclaim Your worth and greatness In a new eternal song.