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Who is Like Our God?

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing.
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
© Copyright 2020 Lisa Rushing
Chords are available in small-print versions and in the PDF.
Who is like the Lord our God, ruling in His majesty? Who is like the Lord our God, filling all eternity: Creator and Sustainer of the world and all therein, Unchanging God of light, righteousness and truth abide in Him.
Who is like the Lord our God, excellent in pow’r and might? Who is like the Lord our God, All His ways are good and right. Unsearchable His wisdom and unmeasured is His love; With Him none can compare, in the earth or in the heav’ns above.
So give Him praise and glory; His greatness now proclaim. Give Him praise and glory. Exalt His matchless name.
Who is like the Lord our God, rich in mercy, full of grace? Who is like the Lord our God, Dying in the sinner's place? Because we could not reach Him, nor His perfect law obey, He Himself reached out to us, And shed His blood to wash our sins away.
Who is like the Lord our God? He alone is strong to save. Who is like the Lord our God, glorious Victor o'er the grave, The fount of life eternal and the spring of endless joy, Our source of strength and hope, giving peace that nothing can destroy.
So give Him praise and glory; His greatness now proclaim. Give Him praise and glory. Exalt His matchless name. Exalt His matchless name.