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The Sweetness of Your Presence

Words and music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 4/4
© Lisa Rushing, 2020.
Chords are available in small-print versions.
Lord, this life’s demands and pleasures call me shouting their importance in my ear, vying for my time, cluttering my mind, and your precious voice I fail to hear. How I need to seek that blessed retreat, sitting at my loving Savior’s feet, Finding quiet rest and joy complete in the sweetness of Your presence.
Sweet are all the promises You’ve spoken. Sweet Your Spirit’s working through Your Word, probing deep within, showing me my sin ’til my heart to righteousness is stirred. Sweet the moments spent with You in pray’r, Leaving in Your hands my trials and cares As I learn to praise You for them there in the sweetness of Your presence.
Amazing love that You would call me Your own, And bid me boldly come before Your glorious throne. Dressed in Your righteousness, saved by grace alone, I come into Your presence, Holy One.
As I bow before You, Timeless Savior, more of the eternal fills my view: The wisdom of Your ways, the frailty of our days, The work that You have placed us here to do. And as earthly duties call me still, I go forth surrendered to Your will Praying that each task You’d also fill with the sweetness of Your presence, The sweetness of Your presence, Lord. Amen.