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Lyrics and Information

Reformation Hymn

Words and Music by Chris Anderson and Bob Kauflin
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 3/4
© 2016 Sovereign Grace Music and Church Works Media. All rights reserved.
Chords are available in small-print modes and in the PDF.
1. We will trust God’s Word alone, Where his perfect will is known; Our traditions shift like sand While his Truth forever stands. We will live by faith alone, Clothed in merit not our own; All we claim is Jesus Christ And his finished sacrifice.
Chorus: Glory be, glory be to God alone, Through the church he redeemed and made his own. He has freed us, he will keep us till we’re safely home Glory be, glory be to God alone!
2. We are saved by grace alone— Undeserved, yet freely shown; No accomplishment on earth Can achieve the second birth. We will stand on Christ alone, The unyielding Cornerstone; Nations rage and devils roar, Still he reigns forevermore!