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Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You

Words by James McGranahan (1840-1907)
Tune: VERILY by James McGranahan (1840-1907)
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refain
Public Domain
1. O, what a Savior, that He died for me! From condemnation He hath made me free; “He that believeth on the Son,” saith He, “Hath everlasting life.”
Refrain: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, verily,” message ever new; “He that believeth on the Son,” ’tis true, “Hath everlasting life.”
2. All my iniquities on Him were laid, All my indebtedness by Him was paid; All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said, “Hath everlasting life.”
3. Though poor and needy, I can trust my Lord, Though weak and sinful, I believe His Word; O joyful message! Ev’ry child of God “Hath everlasting life.”