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Renew Your Church

Kenneth L. Cober (1902-1993), alt.
Tune: The Sacred Harp, 1844
Key signature: G major (1 sharp)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: Irregular
Public Domain
Chords available in the PDF and in small-print version.
1. Renew your church, our ministries restore: both to serve and adore. Make us again as salt throughout the land, and as light from a stand. 'Mid somber shadows of the night, where greed and hatreds spread their blight, O seek your guidance every day, teach us, Lord, how to pray.
2. Teach us your Word, reveal its truth divine, on our path let it shine; Tell of your works, your mighty acts of grace, from each page show your face. As you have loved us, sent your Son, and our salvation now is won, O send us forth with power endued, help us, Lord, be renewed.
3. Teach us to pray, for you are ever near, your still voice let us hear. Our souls are restless till they rest in you, this the goal we pursue. Before your presence keep us still that we may find for us your will, and let our hearts with love be stirred, help us, Lord, know your Word.
4. Teach us to love, with strength of heart and mind, each and all, humankind; break down old walls of prejudice and hate, leave us not to our fate. As you have loved and given your life to end hostility and strife, O share your grace from heaven above, teach us, Lord, how to love.