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Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By

Words by Emma (Etta) F. R. Campbell (1830-1919), 1853
Tune: WHAT MEANS THIS EAGER ANXIOUS THRONG by Theodore Edson Perkins (1831-1912)
Key signature: G Major (1 sharp)
Time signature: 6/8
Public Domain
1. What means this eager, anxious throng, Pressing our busy streets along? These wondrous gatherings day by day, What means this strange commotion, pray? Voices in accents hushed reply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Voices in accents hushed reply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
2. E’en children feel the potent spell And haste their new-found joy to tell. In crowds they to the place repair Where Christians daily bow in prayer, Hosannas mingle with the cry, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Hosannas mingle with the cry, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
3. Who is this Jesus? Why should He The city move so mightily? A passing stranger, has He skill To move the multitude at will? Again the stirring tones reply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Again the stirring tones reply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
4. Jesus! ’tis He who once below Man’s pathway trod ’mid pain and woe; And burdened ones where’er He came, Brought out their sick and deaf and lame; Blind men rejoiced to hear the cry, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Blind men rejoiced to hear the cry, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
5. Again He comes—from place to place His holy footprints we can trace; He pauses at our threshold, nay, He enters, condescends to stay: Shall we not gladly raise the cry Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Shall we not gladly raise the cry Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
6. Bring out your sick and blind and lame, ’Tis to restore them Jesus came; Compassion infinite you’ll find With boundless power in Him combined. Come quickly while salvation’s nigh, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Come quickly while salvation’s nigh, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
7. Ye sin-sick souls, who feel your need, He comes to you, a friend indeed; Rise from your weary, wakeful couch, Haste to secure His healing touch; No longer sadly wait and sigh, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. No longer sadly wait and sigh, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
8. Ho! all ye heavy laden, come! Here’s pardon, comfort, rest, a home: Ye wanderers from a Father’s face, Return, accept His proffered grace; Ye tempted ones, there’s refuge nigh: Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Ye tempted ones, there’s refuge nigh: Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
9. Ye who are buried in the grave Of sin, His power alone can save; His voice can bid your dead souls live, True spirit-life and freedom give. Awake! Arise! for strength apply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. Awake! Arise! for strength apply, Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
10. But if you still this call refuse, And dare such wondrous love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for mercy spurn, Too late! too late! will be the cry— Jesus of Nazareth has passed by. Too late! too late! will be the cry— Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.