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Lyrics and Information

Tenderly Calling

Words by Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)
Music by Ira D. Sankey (1840-1908)
Key signature: G major (1 sharp)
Time signature: 9/8
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. Turn thee, O lost one, careworn and weary, Lo! the good Shepherd is calling today; Seeking to save thee, waiting to cleanse thee, Haste to receive Him, no longer delay.
Refrain: Tenderly calling patiently calling, Hear the good Shepherd calling to thee; Tenderly calling, patiently calling, Lovingly saying, “Come unto Me!”
2. Still He is waiting, why wilt thou perish, Tho’ thou hast wand’red so far from the fold? Yet, with His lifeblood, He has redeem’d thee, Wondrous compassion that cannot be told!
3. List to His message, think of His mercy! Sinless, yet bearing thy sins on the tree; Perfect remission, life everlasting, Thro’ His atonement, He offers to thee.
4. Come in the old way, come in the true way, Enter thro’ Jesus, for He is the Door; He is the Shepherd, tenderly calling, Come in thy weakness, and wander no more.