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On This Day Earth Shall Ring

Words by Piae Cantiones, trans. Jane M. Joseph
Tune: M. J by Piae Cantiones, arr. Gustav Holst
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 2/2
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing to the Lord, Christ our King, born on earth to save us; Him the Father gave us.
Refrain: Ideo, ideo, ideo, gloria in excelsis Deo.
2. His the doom, ours the mirth; when He came down to earth, Bethlehem saw his birth; ox and ass beside Him from the cold would hide Him.
3. God’s bright star, o’er His head, Wise Men three to Him led; kneel they low by His bed, lay their gifts before Him, praise Him and adore Him.
4. On this day angels sing; with their song earth shall ring, praising Christ, heaven’s King, born on earth to save us; peace and love He gave us.