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Of the Father's Love Begotten

Words by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (348-413); translated by John M. Neale (1818-1866), 1854
Tune: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM, Trope to a 13th Century Sanctus
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Time signature: 10/8, 9/8, 6/8
Meter: Irregular
Public Domain
Organ performance at Hymns Without Words
1. Of the Father’s love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega He the source, the ending He, Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see Evermore and evermore!
2. O that birth forever blessed, When a virgin, blest with grace, By the Holy Ghost conceiving, Bore the Savior of our race; And the babe, the world's Redeemer, First revealed His sacred face, Evermore and evermore!
3. Let the heights of heaven adore Him; Angel hosts His praises sing: Pow’rs, dominions, bow before Him, And extol our God and King; Let no tongue on earth be silent, Every voice in concert ring, Evermore and evermore!