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Glorious Light of Christmas

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 6/8
Meter: Irregular
© Copyright 2021 Lisa Rushing
Passage: Luke 2, Matthew 2, Matthew 4:16
Light filled the hillsides near Bethlehem as angel hosts heralded God's gift to men. Shepherds, amazed at the glorious sight, in haste sought the manger that night; But the light they had seen could not compare with the light of the Savior they found lying there.
Come to this Light, holy Light, Dispelling the darkness within us: Radiance of God, Bright Morning Star, The Light of the world, this Jesus, the glorious Light of Christmas.
Light, shining down from a radiant star was followed by wise men who came from afar, Seeking this Child who was born a King, their gifts and their worship to bring. And they found perfect light in Bethlehem: not the star, but Heaven's Light dwelling with men. You who've walked in the darkness, rejoice, break forth in song; for on you the Sun of Righteousness has dawned!
Come to this Light, holy Light, Dispelling the darkness within us: Radiance of God, Bright Morning Star, The Light of the world, this Jesus, the glorious Light of Christmas. the glorious light of Christmas.