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From Heaven High I Come to You

For Christmas Eve
Words: Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her, by Martin Luther, tr. Catherine Winkworth, From Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch, 1535, based on Luke 2:1-18
Tune: FROM HEAVEN HIGH by Martin Luther, translated and adapted by Winfred Douglas, 1939
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Public Domain
1. From heaven high I come to you, I bring you tidings good and new; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing:
2. To You this night is born a child Of Mary, chosen virgin mild; This little child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all the earth.
3. This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need shall aid afford; He will Himself your Savior be From all your sins to set you free.
4. These are the tokens ye shall mark: The swaddlingclothes and manger dark: There ye shall find the Infant laid By whom the heav’ns and earth were made.
5. Now let us all with gladsome cheer Go with the shepherds and draw near To see the precious gift of God, Who hath His own dear Son bestowed.
6. Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through Whom the sinful world is blest! In my distress thou com’st to me; What thanks shall I return to thee?
7. Praise God above on His high throne, Who giveth us His only Son. The angel hosts rejoice in bliss To chant a glad New Year like this.