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Come, All Ye Shepherds

Words from a Bohemian Folk Song translated by Mari Ruef Hofer
Tune: Bohemian Folk Song arranged by E. S. B.
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Time signature: 3/4
Public Domain
1. Come, all ye shepherds, ye children of earth, Come ye, bring greetings to yon heavenly birth. For Christ the Lord unto us is given, Whom God for Savior sent down from heaven: Fear not ye Him!
2. Hasten then, hasten to Bethlehem’s stall, There to see heaven descend to us all. With holy feeling there humbly kneeling We will adore Him, bow down before Him; Worship the King.
3. Angels and shepherds together we go, Seeking this Savior from all earthly woe; While angels winging, His praises singing, Heav’n’s echoes ringing, peace on earth bringing Good will to men.