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O God, My Joy

Words by Paul Keew and Brian Pinner
Tune: GOD MY JOY by Paul Keew, harm. Ruth Coleman
Key signature: E flat major (3 flats)
Time signature: 3/4
© Copyright 2008 Watchsong (admin Church Works Media). All rights reserved. Official permission to use the hymns posted is granted under the following conditions (a) The hymns are not to be altered in any way, (b) The hymns are to be distributed free of charge, and (c) recognition is to be given to the author and composer.
Chords are available in the PDF and in small-print modes.
1. O God, my joy, You reign above in radiant splendor and beauty. Your Word has drawn my heart to love the awesome sight of Your glory. Your blazing Light and gospel grace shine brightly from my Savior’s face. No other wonder would I see than Christ enthroned in His glory!
2. Sustained by joy in trial and pain, I trust Your wisdom and mercy. Through suffering that Your love ordains, more like Your Son You will make me. For Christ embraced the cross of shame, beholding glorious joys to come. O give me faith like His to see that suffering lifts me to glory!
3. Compelled by joy, I fight the sin that turns my gaze from Your glory. Your Holy Spirit dwells within; His presence arms me for vict’ry. Let death and hell against me rise; through death I’ll gain eternal joys. All pow’rs of hell will bend the knee before my great King of Glory!