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Jesus Is Risen Indeed

Words and music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 6/8
Meter: Irregular
© Lisa Rushing 2022
1. See the cross where the Lamb of God for the sins of mankind freely offered His blood. See the tomb where His body lay. See the stone that is now rolled away. See our Savior’s victorious day!
Refrain: Rejoice, the Lamb is mighty to save. He bore our sin and conquered the grave. Death’s power is broken and heaven is opened, for He is risen. Jesus is risen indeed!
2. Trust the work of the conqu’ring Christ, who accomplished redemption through His sacrifice. Trust the blood that will cleanse from sin. Trust the power that wrought life in Him To awaken and change you within.
3. Know the hope resurrection gives: since our Savior is risen we too now shall live. Know the peace that dispels our fear, For our living Redeemer is near, And one day for His own He’ll appear.