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Lyrics and Information

I Will!

Words by D. W. Whittle (1840-1901)
Tune: ONCE MORE, MY SOUL, THY SAVIOR, THROUGH THE WORD by James McGranahan (1840-1907)
Key signature: A major (3 sharps)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. Once more, my soul, thy Savior, thro’ the Word, Is offered full and free; And now, O Lord, I must, I must decide: Shall I accept of Thee?
Refrain: I will! I will! I will! God helping me, I will be Thine! Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me— I will be wholly Thine!
2. By grace I will Thy mercy now receive, Thy love my heart hath won: On Thee, O Christ, I will, I will believe, And trust in Thee alone!
3. Thou knowest, Lord, how very weak I am, And how I fear to stray; For strength to serve I look to Thee alone— The strength Thou must supply.
4. And now, O Lord, give all with us today The grace to join our song; And from the heart to gladly with us say: “I will to Christ belong!”
5. To all who came, when Thou wast here below And said, “O Lord, wilt Thou?” To them, “I will!” was ever Thy reply: We rest upon it now.