Lyrics and Information
I Need Jesus
Words by George O. Webster (1866-1942), 1924
Tune I NEED JESUS, MY NEED I NOW CONFESS by Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932), 1924
Key signature: E flat major (3 flats)
Time signature: 2/2
Meter: Irregular
Public Domain
1. I need Jesus, my need I now confess; No friend like Him in times of deep distress; I need Jesus, the need I gladly own; Though some may bear their load alone, Yet, I need Jesus.
Refrain: I need Jesus I need Jesus, I need Jesus every day; Need Him in the sunshine hour, Need Him when the stormclouds lower; Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.
2. I need Jesus, I need a friend like Him, A friend to guide when paths of life are dim; I need Jesus, when foes my soul assail; Alone I know I can but fail, So I need Jesus.
3. I need Jesus, I need Him to the end; No one like Him, He is the sinner's Friend; I need Jesus, no other friend will do; So constant, kind, so strong and true, Yes, I need Jesus.