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He the Pearly Gates Will Open

Words by Frederick A. Blom (1867-1927), translated by Nathaniel Carlson (1879-1957)
Tune: PEARLY GATES by Elsie Ahlwén (1905-1986)
Key signature: G major (1 sharp)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. Love divine, so great and wondrous, Deep and mighty, pure, sublime! Coming from the heart of Jesus, Just the same through tests of time.
Refrain: He the pearly gates will open, So that I may enter in; For He purchased my redemption And forgave me all my sin.
2. Like a dove when hunted, frightened, As a wounded fawn was I; Brokenhearted, yet He healed me, He will heed the sinner’s cry.
3. Love divine, so great and wondrous, All my sins He then forgave! I will sing His praise forever, For His blood, His power to save.
4. In life’s eventide, at twilight, At His door I’ll knock and wait; By the precious love of Jesus I shall enter Heaven’s gate.