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For Christ and the Church

Words by Eliza E. Hewitt, 1890
Tune by William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921), 1890
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 4/4
Public Domain
1. For Christ and the church let our voices ring, Let us honor the name of our own blessed King. Let us work with a will in the strength of youth, And loyally stand for the kingdom of truth.
Refrain: For Christ, our dear Redeemer, for Christ, Who died to save, for the church His blood has purchased, Lord, make us pure and brave.
2. For Christ and the church be our earnest prayer, Let us follow His banner, the cross daily bear. Let us yield, wholly yield, to His Spirit's power, and faithfully serve Him in life's brightest hour.
3. For Christ and the church, willing offerings make, time and talents and gold, for the dear Master's sake. We'll remember the best we can bring to Him, the heart's wealth of love that will never grow dim.
4. For Christ and the church let us cast aside, by His conquering grace, chains of self, fear, and pride. May our lives be enriched by an aim so grand, then happy the call to the Savior's right hand.