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Lyrics and Information

Come to Me

Words and music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 4/4
© 2019 Lisa Rushing
Chords are available in small-print modes and in the PDF version.
Come to Me, all you who labor, Who are striving to gain heaven on your own. You will only know God's grace and favor When you rest in My cross alone.
Come to Me, you heavyladen, With a weight of guilt you cannot cast aside. In your place I bore sin's heavy burden. Trust in me; pardon will not be denied.
“Come to Me, all who are weary. Come to Me, I'll give you rest.” Hear the voice of Jesus calling, “Come to Me.”
Come to Me, My yoke is easy, And all those who come will find my burden light. For I'll walk with you along life's journey and uphold you by my Spirit's might.
Come to Me, O come and learn of Me. Come and follow in my footsteps and be blessed, for I came in meekness and humility. Lay aside selfrighteous pride and find My rest.
“Come to Me, all who are weary, come to Me; I'll give you rest.” Hear the voice of Jesus calling “Come to Me.”
“Come to Me, all who are weary, Come to Me; I'll give you rest.” Hear the voice of Jesus calling “Come to Me.”