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Centered in the Cross

Words by Lisa Rushing
Lisa Rushing
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 6/8
Meter: Irregular
© 2022 Lisa Rushing
The cross of Christ our Savior is the center of our faith, for His sacrifice could alone suffice to provide atoning grace. In the cross our sins are pardoned. In the cross our souls are healed. In the cross God’s love and pow’r are revealed.
The cross of Christ our Savior is the center of our peace, for because the blood makes us right with God, fears of death and judgment cease. In the cross forgiven strangers Join to glorify God’s Son, For the blood of Christ unites us as one.
So live a life that’s centered in the cross, Serving the Savior whatever the cost And for the joy that lies before us when we’ll obtain our heav’nly prize, let us hold loosely to the things of this life, holding firmly to Christ.
The cross of Christ our Savior is the center of our hope. He Who conquered sin now abides within and His grace transforms our souls. In the cross we have His promise of a life that has no end When we’ll dwell with our Redeemer and Friend.
The cross of Christ our Savior is the center of our praise: All our hearts desire, all our souls require, God in Calvary displays. In the cross we’ll boast forever, joining heaven’s glad refrain, Singing "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain."
So live a life that’s centered in the cross, Serving the Savior whatever the cost And for the joy that lies before us when we’ll obtain our heav’nly prize, let us hold loosely to the things of this life, holding firmly to Christ.
And for the joy that lies before us when we’ll obtain our heav’nly prize, let us hold loosely to the things of this life, holding firmly to Christ.