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Lyrics and Information

Behold the Glories of the Lamb

Words by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), alt. Chris Lynch
Tune: CORNERSTONE by Caleb French
Key signature: F major (1 flat)
Time signature: 4/4
© 2014 Cornerstone Baptist Church. Freely reproduce and distribute but do not sell for profit.
1. Behold the glories of the Lamb beside His Father’s throne; Prepare new honors for His name and songs before unknown. Though meek and lowly, slain and torn, He stands as conq’ring King. He takes the scroll and breaks the seals; for Him the anthems ring.
2. See elders worship at His feet; the Church adores around. Before the throne with incense sweet, they raise their joyful sound. Their incense is the pray’rs of saints; their sound, the hymns they raise. God bends His ear to their requests; He loves to hear their praise.
3. Hark how adoring host above with songs surround the throne! Ten thousand thousands are their tongues, but all their hearts are one. “This Lamb is worthy, for He died, to be exalted thus!” “This Lamb is worthy!” we reply, “for He was slain for us!”