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As a Volunteer

Words by W. S. Brown
Tune: VOLUNTEER by Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932)
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats)
Time signature: 4/4
Meter: with Refrain
Public Domain
1. A call for loyal soldiers Comes to one and all; Soldiers for the conflict, Will you heed the call? Will you answer quickly, With a ready cheer, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer?
Refrain: A volunteer for Jesus, A soldier true! Others have enlisted, Why not you? Jesus is the Captain, We will never fear, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer?
2. Yes, Jesus calls for soldiers Who are filled with pow'r, Soldiers who will serve Him Ev’ry day and hour; He will not forsake you, He is ever near; Will you be enlisted As a volunteer?
3. He calls you, for He loves you With a heart most kind. He whose heart was broken, Broken for mankind; Now, just now, He calls you, Calls in accents clear, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer?
4. And when the war is over, And the vict'ry won, When the true and faithful Gather one by one, He will crown with glory All who there appear; Will you be enlisted As a volunteer?