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All My Answers Can Be Found in You

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing.
Key signature: G major (1 sharp)
Time signature: cut common time – 2/2
© Copyright 2020 Lisa Rushing
Chords are available in small-print versions and in the PDF.
Can I bear these burdens when I’m tired and weak? How can I find the strength and wisdom that I seek? As I face each challenge for this day assigned, These are the questions that are going through my mind. But I come to You, O God of pow’r, and I look to You for grace for ev’ry hour. You give me strength to stand and Your loving hand guides me through. All my answers can be found in You.
Can I be forgiven when I yield to sin? How can You love me when I fail You yet again? As I face Your truth, Lord, and my guilt I find, These are the questions that are going through my mind. But I come to You Who paid sin’s price, and I rest upon Your perfect sacrifice. You love will never fail and Your mercies daily are new. All my answers can be found in You.
Lord, You are the answer, And Your Word brings peace to my heart. Lord, You are the answer. I will look to You when questions start.
What will come tomorrow? Is it joy or pain, Comfort or sorrow, poverty or gain? As I face a future that is undefined, These are the questions that are going through my mind. But I come to You, Who knows all things. All my worries, fears, and questions I will bring. Whatever comes to be, all that’s best for me You will do. All my answers can be found in You.
Whatever comes to be, all that’s best for me You will do. All my answers can be found in You. All my answers can be found in You.