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Lyrics and Information

Abounding Grace

Words and Music by Lisa Rushing
Key signature: C major (no sharps or flats) and D major (2 sharps)
Time signature: 2/4
© 2018 Lisa Rushing
Chords available in small print and PDF version.
Abounding grace: the gift of God the Father to unworthy sinners who have spurned His ways. Though we deserve His wrath, He freely offers peace and pardon to each one who seeks His face. For saved by Jesus' blood alone, We're justified and called His own, and granted access to His throne. This is our God's grace: God's abounding grace.
Abounding grace: The promise of the Savior, that when we are weak, His perfect strength is shown. And all we need to serve and do His bidding He provides abundantly through grace alone. His Holy Spirit works within, convicts and cleanses us from sin To make us more and more like Him. This is our God's grace: God's abounding grace.
Abounding grace greater than our sin. Abounding grace, changing us within.
Abounding grace: The song of all God's children singing praises to the Lamb for sinners slain. All majesty and praise, Glory and honor we'll ascribe forever to His Holy Name. For from each nation, tongue, and tribe, He's calling out His chosen bride to dwell forever by His side. This is our God's grace: God's abounding grace. God's abounding grace. Abounding grace! Abounding grace!